Gmail Security Scam

Attention all Gmail Users,

The following link is to an article regarding a new Gmail security scam.  It is a slick phishing scheme that is catching a lot of Gmail users   Please read to be aware of potential emails from known contacts with attachments that may lead to a compromised email account.

Gmail Security Scam:

“Here's how the swindle works. The attacker, usually disguised as a trusted contact, sends a boobytrapped email to a prospective victim. Affixed to that email, there appears to be a regular attachment, say a PDF document. Nothing seemingly out of the ordinary.”

The fake document links to a fake Google login page. Unsuspecting users enter login information and their email account is immediately taken over and used to launch the next attack on the user's contacts.   

The article notes that there is one indication that the Google login page is fake.  The URL is preceded by the prefix "data:text/html," which is not typical.  

User's should always be careful when clicking on anything within an email - links or attachments.  In addition, we recommend Gmail accounts have 2-Step Verification enabled.  This adds a second layer of sign-in to your Gmail account and can help prevent a takeover. 

2-Step Verification:

Contact Ventura Tech today for more information on how to keep company email and data safe and secure!